Every once in a while when I sit down at the computer I will get a reminder of pictures from the past. I usually ignore them because the dates are frequently inaccurate. Some fun ones popped up today. While the dates were not accurate, they were all taken in a similar timeframe, and they were all from ten years ago.
There is something about ten years that piques my interest. Life changes so much in that span of time, but you really don’t notice it until you look back at pictures or events.
Every year Peggy and I go to Colorado during the summer. With everything that happened in Baton Rouge this summer I really did not write anything about the annual trip. So it was interesting today when pictures from our Colorado trip in 2006 showed up today.
That was a great trip. Mike was about to be a senior in high school, so we really weren’t sure if it would be the last time he made the trip with us. We did all of our favorite things with a little extra vigor for that reason.
When Mike would go with us we would spend a day in Breckenridge to ride the Alpine Slide and ride the lift up to the top of Peak 8. We would stay longer in Vail because he wanted to see every single knife in every single shop to determine if he wanted to add to his collection. We spent more time in Copper Mountain to see what cool new stuff they had added to their summer recreation portfolio.
But mostly we spent time as a family with a boy who seemed to genuinely enjoy the company of his parents.
He is married now and working hard to get ahead on his own. Someday he will bring his own family along when we go to Colorado. But we will always have memories of taking him with us and enjoying family time on vacation.