My life as a road warrior began this week, living in Baton Rouge and working in San Antonio. I have decided to drive back home three weeks out of the month and have Peggy come visit San Antonio one weekend per month. There is one thing that will put a kink in those plans, though…
Today we drove from Baton Rouge to New Orleans to visit my son and his wife. As I have mentioned before, they are expecting our first grandchild in a couple of weeks. They wanted some pictures taken while great with child, so we drove over to visit with them and take some photographs. We also took them to lunch, and we took my nephew with us. Beautiful pictures, great food, good day.
Tomorrow I will get back in the car and drive to San Antonio. I will come back home next weekend unless I have a reason to come back sooner. If the grandbaby arrives anytime soon I do not think I am going to be seeing Peggy in San Antonio for a while. I’m good with that.
A new job brings with it a lot of uncertainty. I have a lot of time on the drive to think and sort through the things I need to do when I get back to San Antonio. I’m not going to lie and say that I enjoy the commute time but it doesn’t keep me from getting things done. And if I get fed up with the driving in a particular week I can always fly home.
We’re pretty stoked about the whole grandparent thing, so I don’t expect to get tired of the driving right away. It’s a little over a thousand miles a week. But I really don’t want to move and I really don’t want to take Peggy away from her first grandchild. Besides that, we love it here in Baton Rouge. And football season is about to start!
I’ll keep you posted.