Loving Las Vegas

I really like Las Vegas.

I’m not much of a gambler, so that’s not the attraction. We come back every year and I never get tired of it.

I think part of it is that Las Vegas is continually updating. Don’t like that old hotel casino? Blow it up and put up another one. I guess technically they blow it down and not up, but you get the idea. Each time in Vegas you see something that wasn’t there the last time.

We try to come each year around Peggy’s birthday. Sometimes we hit it right on the nose and sometimes we are a few days (or weeks) off. I wrote a post earlier about how we really don’t get too uptight about celebrating big events on the exact day as long as we get the chance to celebrate together. Peggy’s birthday is at the end of November, so sometimes we are competing with Thanksgiving if we try to hit the real date. This year we are in Las Vegas for Thanksgiving but staying for several days after. That’s good — I prefer coming after Thanksgiving so we can be sure that the Christmas decorations are up. Vegas goes all out for Christmas, and the decorations are spectacular!

Another reason this is a great time to be in Las Vegas is the weather. We have been snowed on, we have had 85 degree days, but usually the weather this time of year is just about perfect.

Really, the only problem with coming this time of year is that many of the resident acts want to be with their families over the holidays, so several of the iconic performers are “dark” during this period. This has led to us seeing some very interesting shows that were not what we were expecting to see. And loving it.

Three years ago Peggy turned 50 while we were here, and Justin Timberlake just happened to be in Las Vegas on tour on her birthday. That was an unexpected surprise and an amazing show. The next night we saw Shania Twain at the Celine Dion theater in Caesar’s Palace. Let’s just say it probably would have been more fair to Shania if we had seen her before Justin.

So, who is it going to be this year?

I promise to keep you posted as soon as I know…

Hanging out at MGM tonight

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