An unsafe tendoncy

Well, we are two weeks out from Rockgate and the news is not good. X-rays and MRIs are done and the little ankle that could is starting to look like it just can’t. Because of a freakin’ rock…

Other than wanting to slap the doctor for insinuating I don’t really need two ankles to live my active lifestyle, I’m now in the process of figuring out what to do. When I originally hurt the ankle the pain and swelling was tremendous. We (which, of course, means Peggy) kept it elevated and iced it regularly the first night. When I got up on Monday morning, the swelling was still there but the pain was gone. Turns out that was not a good sign.

The MRI revealed that I severed both tendons on the outside of my ankle. It doesn’t hurt because after the initial shock, damage to tendons doesn’t cause pain. I just have no lateral stability in my ankle. The doctor gave me a very sexy brace to wear but the only way to potentially fix the problem is surgery. I really hate that word. Potentially.

I know what you’re thinking — “sucks for you, Jeff.” I’m sorry if it isn’t riveting theater, but it is my leg, one of only two that I own Go for a little empathy here and feel it along with me.

What I thought was a knot on my ankle is actually the two tendons rolled up in a little ball. Kind of like a rubber band when it snaps back after breaking. Sweet.

I don’t want to have surgery. I’m 54 years old and I really don’t want to screw with it. But I am also only 54 years old and I need to have two working ankles. And my wife is hot and I really want to be able to chase her around.

Peggy and I are going to Las Vegas in a couple of weeks to celebrate her birthday. I’m going to take my brace and we’re going to walk our butts off (like we do every time we go to Vegas) and see how it goes. If I can make it there…

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