Happy Mother’s Day

Spending a relaxing week in Lake Charles may not sound like a perfect vacation to you, but it is working out pretty well for us.

We started the whole Mother’s Day trip tradition when my son went to college because Peggy didn’t want to sit around feeling unhappy that she wasn’t seeing her son for Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day always falls during finals week, so he was not able to come home when he was in college. We have kept it going because he still doesn’t want to travel from Baton Rouge to Katy for the weekend.

Today the tradition continued in the best way possible — I arranged with Mike to show up today and surprise his Mama for Mother’s Day.

Mike typically travels with an entourage — I’m pretty sure he just doesn’t like driving around by himself — but I asked him to come to Lake Charles by himself. No friends (we know all of them), no girlfriend (since she is not a follower of this blog I will tell you that she is not “the one”), just him.

He is a good boy and he loves his Mama. He also knows what she has been through this past year with her own Mama. And I bought gas for him. So he made the drive over from Baton Rouge and arrived early.

Actually, the hardest thing about the morning was convincing Peggy that we did not need to go down to the pool just yet. Fortunately it was overcast this morning so she was OK with waiting a little while to go down.

She and Mike have a very special relationship. He is an only child, and Peggy came home from work when he was in the first grade to spend more time with him. They have spent a lot of time together and fun typically ensues. Today was no different.

I won’t say it was the best Mother’s Day ever, but I have a feeling it was the best one since 2007.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!
And Daddy gets a picture, too

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